Monday, November 28, 2022

5 Smart Tips and Tricks on Moving Car During the Winter: 2022

 The winter months bring a fresh set of variables and issues that will impact your car, especially during the move. Car Transport in Delhi makes it easy for cars moving during winter.

Five Ingenious Tips for Car Transport in Chandigarh in The Winter

Maintain a half-full tank of petrol

It's a great idea to have at least half a tank of petrol in your car during the winter months in case of emergencies or if you get stranded in the snow and have to wait for help. Plan ahead for petrol stops for lengthy road trips.

Battery Condition

The battery is among the most crucial parts of the car. In the winter, there is a considerable probability that the battery will fail.

Windows and Windscreen Fogging

Safety is at risk when driving in conditions where the Windows and Windscreen are fogged. The difference in temperature between the outside and inside of the car causes fogging. 

  • When the inside of your windscreen fogs up, turn the air conditioning on in the ventilation mode till the fog dissipates. 
  • When the windscreen fogs up outside, turn on the heater and put it in the windshield mode; just use wipers to clear the mist or pull the windows down to regulate the temperature. The secret is to control the interior temperature to be equivalent to the outside temperature.
  • Rolling down and rolling up the windows will remove fog from fogged-up windows because of the rubber strip just at the bottom of the glass.
  • Shield the wipers on your windshield. Keep the wipers high when you park outside to avoid them from sticking to the windshield. Make use of an ice scraper to clear ice, snow, or frost off the windshield rather than the wiper blades.

All of these efforts will ensure your confidence and security. Accidents and malfunctions do happen, even when safeguards are taken. Be careful to avoid creating breakable reflective triangles. Mostly in a breakdown scenario, they should be placed relatively safely, around 20 metres behind the stopped car. This will notify approaching drivers of the obstruction.

Foggy Windshield Fixes

  • Windshields that are fogged up and icy can be a persistent problem during the winter. Make use of a chalkboard eraser to easily remove the fog without leaving a bunch of smudges! It is simple to keep in your centre console or glove box and functions well.
  • Making sure the car's air recirculation is still off is another suggestion for preventing a foggy windshield. The car's air is already humid, and humid air makes the windshield more likely to fog up. Instead, select the fresh intake air option to draw in dry air from outside. The fog would quickly dissipate thanks to the dry air!
  • Apply shaving cream on the windshield's interior, then wipe it off. A light coating of shaving cream with some similar components as commercial defoggers will be left behind.
  • Kitty litter should be placed in a sock or stocking and left in your car overnight. If the wetness didn't get absorbed by the litter, this would end up on your windshield.
  • Before you turn off your automobile every night, allow a little bit of the chilly, dry air in by briefly opening the windows. Your automobile will overnight dehumidify thanks to this dry air.
  • Never leave drinks or water bottles in your car overnight. They may result in a foggy windshield with their moisture.

Tire Health

Put on winter tyres instead of your usual ones-Winter tyres are advised whether there is snow on the ground or not if you live somewhere where the temperature frequently drops below 45 degrees. They are designed to give you more traction when turning or stopping on icy pavement.

Check weekly for the tyre pressure- Driving with underinflated tyres might result in a loss of traction on slippery or icy roads and premature tyre degradation. Every 10 degrees that the temperature drops, your tyres lose one pound of pressure.

Add a layer of shield-A layer of polymer wax can act as a shield against several elements, including road salt, grit, snow, and sleet. Combine it with high-pressure car washes conducted after winter storms to remove build-up in confined spaces like the wheel wells, underbody, and wheels.


Winter weather can be unexpected, and moving a car during winter can be tricky. Car Transport in Chandigarh can be made easy with the above smart tips.

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